Become A Commissioner
Become A Commissioner
Selection Candidate for Commissioner Guidelines
The purpose of the Selection Candidate for Commissioner Guidelines is to help candidates for Commissioner to become knowledgeable of rules and regulations governing the Commission as well as the Commission's ability and limitation to contribute and support community initiatives.
Therefore, a candidate must satisfy the following four (4) factors to be eligible for selection as Commissioner.
- Has the candidate attended at least three (3) meetings of the Commission?
- Has the candidate expressed interest in the work of the Commission as well as the community issues or service?
- Is there a vacancy within the candidate's geographic District or at large commissioner?
- Has the candidate read, understood, agreed to abide by the Commission's Communication Policy and Conduct Guidelines?
Start Here...
Start Here...
In addition to our About Us page, our flyer will tell you a little more about the Far East Area Commission and all that we do.
Attended at least three (3) meetings of the Commission.
Express an interest in the work of the Commission as well as the community issues or service.
Check for a vacancy within your geographic District or at large commissioner. A map and breakdown of District boundaries, and a breakdown of Commissioner seats can be found to the right.
If there is a vacant seat in your district, you do not need to wait for an election month to become a Commissioner. If seeking to fill a vacant Commission seat during a non election month by appointment, October-August, the Far East Area Commission will review your submitted Election Signature Form during the next regular scheduled meeting and take a vote to appoint or not appoint you as a commissioner to the Far East Area Commission. Commissioners appointed will hold that seat ONLY until the next election, at which time your position as a Commissioner and the remainder of your term will be up for re-election. Upon a favorable vote, you will then serve the remainder of your seat's term. This is to ensure the public has a vote in all Commission seats.
If seeking a seat up for election in September, please be sure to complete and submit the Election Signature Form in PDF form, to the Far East Area Commission via the link below by August 30th at 11:59pm.
If ready, please continue to the Bylaws, Conduct Guidelines, Communications Policy and Signature Form sections below.
Please look over the Far East Area Commission bylaws as they outline FEAC districts, 8 elected commission seats, 3 at large commission seats, commissioner qualifications and how we are expected to carry out area commission business.
Please look over the Far East Area Commission Conduct Guidelines as they outline the values commissioners must uphold as they carry out area commission business.
Please look over the Far East Area Commission Communications Policy as it outlines how the commission provides reliable information through a centralized process involving specific media and social media platforms; and how we make sure that information from the Commission is accurate and trustworthy.
Please complete the Commissioner Profile form and submit it to the Far East Area Commission, in PDF form, via the link to the right by August 30 at 11:59pm if seeking election in September.
Each potential candidate must submit a petition containing valid signatures of at least fifteen persons, age eighteen or older, who reside, work or own property, or have affiliation with non profit in the Far East Area Commission Area. Please complete the Signature Form and submit it to the Far East Area Commission, in PDF form, via the link below by August 30th at 11:59pm.
Before submitting a completed Commissioner Profile & Election Signature Form, please make sure you have followed each of the steps above to include reading and understanding the Far East Area Commission Bylaws, Conduct Guidelines, and Communications Policy.
Please complete the Signature Form and submit it to the Far East Area Commission, in PDF form, via the link below by August 30th at 11:59pm if seeking election in September.
When you hit the submit button below, an email window will open (you may need to allow pop ups from this website). Please make sure that both the Commissioner Profile & Election Signature Form, are completed in their entirety and have been attached to your email before hitting send.
FEAC Districts Map
District I Boundaries:
North: City of Columbus City Limits
East: City of Columbus City Limits
South: City of Columbus City Limits
West: Center Line of Outerbelt Street
District III Boundaries:
North: Center Line of East Main Street
East: City of Columbus City Limits/Center Line of Brice/Gender Rd
South: Center Line of the Conrail Railway
West: Center Line of the Big Walnut Creek
District II Boundaries:
North: City of Columbus City Limits
East: Center Line of Outerbelt St/City of Columbus City Limits
South: Center Line of East Main Street
West: Center Line of the Big Walnut Creek
District IV Boundaries:
North: City of Columbus City Limits
East: City of Columbus City Limits
South: Center Line of the Conrail Railway
West: Center Line of Brice/Gender Rd
The Far East Area Commission Has 11 Commission Seats
The Far East Area Commission has
8 regular commissioner seats: 2 for each district and
3 at large seats: 1 for religious, 1 for education, and 1 for business.
Seat #
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9 Religion
# 10 Education
# 11 Business
# 2
# 4
# 3
# 4
# 3
Held By
Keith Dodley
Susan Johnson
Devin Reese
Gene Tyree
Jon Dufford
Darryl Jacobs
Darrell Holmes
Glen Tuomaala
Jennifer Chamberlain
Term Expires
Dec 2027
Dec 2027
Dec 2027
Dec 2025
Dec 2025
Dec 2025
Dec 2026
Dec 2026
Dec 2025
Dec 2026
Dec 2027
Still Have Questions? If you are interested in being a Commissioner and still have questions about the process or what is required please contact us. We are here to help make this as easy as possible and we will be glad to help you navigate the process!
Current Commission Seats up for 2025 re-election in September:
Seat 1 | District 4
Seat 2 | District 5
Seat 3 | District 6
Seat 9 | At Religion
Join Our Mailing List!
Join Our Mailing List!
If you would like to be added to our email list, please fill out the form to the right.
We require individuals to renew their request to stay on our distribution list, by January 1st each year.
Join A Committee
Join A Committee
How to Join A Committee:
- Please use our contact form to let us know you if are interested in joining a committee.
- Those interested in joining a committee need to attend 2 full Far East Area Commission meetings, before their request to join a committee will be considered. Appointment to a committee will occur at the prospective committee member's 3rd meeting, if the Chairperson so chooses to appoint them, and a majority vote of Commission members is received.
- The Chairperson shall appoint Commission members to standing committees giving due consideration to their individual preferences and subject to approval by a majority vote of the Commission members.
- The Chairperson may appoint non-members to Commission committees, subject to approval by a majority vote of the Commission members. Non-member appointed shall have full voting privileges in all proceedings of the committee to which they are appointed. The number of non-members on any committee shall not exceed the number of Commission members appointed.
- Committee members shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson and their appointments shall expire at the next annual meeting.
& Zoning
& Zoning
Works with city officials receiving in all applications for new, rehabilitation and reuse of existing buildings. They prepare all paperwork for these applications for
Commissioners to review and then vote on at Commission meetings.
Planning & Development
Planning & Development
Will work to undertake plans and projects that will enhance our neighborhoods, districts, and precincts. We will look at trends and patterns, trying to
encourage growth and new business.
Communication, Outreach & Technology
Communication, Outreach & Technology
Will work to maintain our communication via webpage and Facebook. They will develop strategies for working with businesses, community groups, and neighborhoods to promote the Area Commission and seek input on communities wants and needs.
(Active July-September)
(Active July-September)
Will work toward the end goal of providing the Commission and community with all necessary materials for the election. They will provide information to the public on nomination procedure, election procedure, election time and location contingent with the Commission’s bylaws.
Committee Members
- Darrell Holmes, Chair
The Transportation committee looks at the impact an increasing population density has on our roads, sidewalks and freeways, and how they impact safety and commute within the FEAC boundaries; in addition to disparities within different neighborhoods as it relates to shared use paths, street lighting, and other transportation safety concerns. Will work with the City of Columbus and Ohio Department of Transportation and commute safety oriented programs to address these concerns.
Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
Will work to build supporting partnerships with City of Columbus, statewide public health, and outside health and wellness programs, in an effort to bring health and wellness workshops directly to FEAC communities; look at our aging population and how we can connect them with social services within the FEAC boundaries; and assess the need for adequate healthcare services and health care facilities within the FEAC boundaries.
Roles & Responsibilities of Officers
Roles & Responsibilities of Officers
- Provide leadership to and manage organization, ensuring organization fulfills its legal and financial obligations and individual members fulfill their responsibilities.
- Facilitate communication and decision-making within the organization.
- Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Convening and facilitating meetings
- Providing accountability regarding attendance and other individual member commitments
Vice Chair
Vice Chair
- Helps to provide leadership to and manage organization, ensuring organization fulfills its legal and financial obligations and individual members fulfill their responsibilities.
- Helps to facilitate communication and decision-making within the organization.
- Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Performs Chair responsibilities when the Chair cannot be available
- Reports to the Chair
- Works closely with the Chair and other officers
- Participates closely with the Chair to develop and implement officer transition plans
- Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the commission
- Establish and oversee sound practices for documentation and effective procedures for organization communication.
- Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Oversee the recording and distribution of meeting minutes
- Keeping records of all official communication (including but not limited meeting minutes) and official and/or legal organizational documents, such as bylaws
- Ensuring bylaws, articles of incorporation and other key documents are up to date, and that commission resolutions are integrated
- Provide financial oversight and monitor the financial health of the organization.
- Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Overseeing, in coordination with the Chair: the creation, presentation and monitoring of the annual budget; the timely and accurate completion of the organization’s fiscal forms and annual audit; the creation and distribution of financial reports prior to meetings
- Presenting financial information to the organization and being available for questions